Community Chorus at South Berwick

Building Community Through Music 

Join CCSB for Seacost Beer Choir

If you love beer, and you love singing, you’ll love Beer Choir! 

Just show up and sing, no talent required.

Saturday, October 19 @3pm

Corner Point Brewing Company

1 Sullivan St

Berwick, ME 

Beer Choir is a national singing movement that hosts social singing events in pubs and breweries across the country. It's simple: we sing loudly in public while drinking good beer.

Join members of CCSB for an afternoon of singing from the Beer Choir "hymnal" with lots of traditional German & Irish drinking songs, as well as familiar tunes with new words!

All are welcome - whether you want to be the loudest voice in the room, or want to relax and enjoy the atmosphere and camaraderie without vocalizing 🙂

A note from our new music director.

Dr. Amy Kotsonis

I am thrilled to be appointed as the director of the Community Chorus at South Berwick, and can’t wait to begin rehearsals next month.  I think this opportunity is special for me for several reasons. I grew up in York, so this area is home for me.  I directed a community chorus in Iowa where I was teaching for the last eight years, and since relocating back to the seacoast recently, I’ve really missed working with non-collegiate singers and having that community connection.  I also love working with lifelong singers, and I’m passionate about people who are passionate about keeping singing in their world as they move through life. The members of the chorus have been so welcoming and kind, and even during my brief audition, it was a joy to make music together – and we’ll get to do that every week!  Lastly, I have a personal connection to the chorus: my aunt, Gail Adams, is the pianist for CCSB.  She’s not only my aunt, but was also my piano teacher until I went to college, and it’s pretty much the coolest thing ever that we now get to collaborate together every week.  I wouldn’t be where I am today without Gail, and I’m grateful that everything aligned just right for my musical journey to in a way come full circle.  

The Community Chorus at South Berwick has a rich history of great music making, going back to its founder, Diane Dean, and I’m so thankful to now be a part of that.  I first met Diane when I was in high school, and would never have imagined then that I would be following in her footsteps one day. As the chorus looks ahead to its 50th year next season, I think it’s the perfect time to reflect back on what brought us here, as well as look ahead to what the future holds.  We will be welcoming back alumni singers for a couple of selections during performances next year, as well as revisiting some past favorite pieces, in addition to some new programming. When it comes to repertoire selection, I think the music needs to reflect the many different people who comprise the chorus, as well as the many people who share our communities, and to support the mission of CCSB. I program a wide variety of music from many time periods, in many styles, usually several different languages, and often from other cultures. We don’t only want to see ourselves in the repertoire we perform, whether that be the composer, the text, style of the piece, or other features.  We want our audience and community to see themselves, too.   

I would add that CCSB is a very special community, created and nourished by its members, and it’s apparent when you first walk into the rehearsal space that all are welcome, and this group really loves making music together.  There is no audition, and if you love to sing, we would love to sing with you.  One of my teachers used to say that people join a chorus because they like to sing or their friend made them, and they stay because they make friends and/or they realize singing is fun!  I have met awesome people I never would have crossed paths with had it not been for choir, and I hope anyone reading this will consider joining us beginning in January. And bring your friends! 

The Community Chorus at South Berwick is a group of singers from over 25 communities who come together for the joy of preparing excellent choral music and performing fine concerts in our communities. The chorus provides dedicated, non-auditioned singers with the opportunity to enhance their musical knowledge and skills while enjoying the fellowship of working with others in this common musical endeavor.

Be sure to "like" our Facebook page for more information about us, our friends, and supporting businesses, and see more photos. This page provides regular updates, and we hope that by showing your interest, others will also be moved to enjoy our music.

CCSB thrives due to the support of individuals and organizations who contribute to our program. Please help us bring great choral music to our communities. Thanks!  
