In Honor of 

Dr Harry Moon

Celebrate the life of Dr Harry Moon with a donation to CCSB. 

The Community Chorus at South Berwick has lost a dear friend and leader. Dr. Harry Moon, our music director from 2000 to 2016, passed away on Monday, September 30, after a lengthy illness. We remember him with love, deep respect, and gratitude for the leadership he provided.  Harry pushed, pulled, coaxed, and occasionally demanded that the chorus perform with musical excellence across eras and styles.  Many of us found the chorus to be a haven of community and beauty during difficult times. We were proud to make music with him.

Harry’s family has received requests from friends asking where they could make donations in his memory. His wife Molly, son Jeff, and daughter Jennifer have generously asked that memorial donations be made to Community Chorus at South Berwick. The funds would be used as needed, to hire an orchestra, buy music, provide semester scholarships for chorus members, or for other miscellaneous needs of the CCSB.

To donate online without having to log into PayPal, click on the button below, scroll to the bottom of the donation window, and look for the button that says "Donate with Debit or Credit Card".

Checks can be made payable to CCSB and mailed to the address below.

Harry Moon Obituary 1937-2024.docx.pdf

Comments from Donors

Dr. Moon shaped my voice, performances, and musicianship from my youth through college and I am forever grateful. He knew what voice I have inside even when I did not. Memory Eternal, to one of the greatest tenors and individuals ever! - Kirsten W.

May the music continue! - Jennifer M.

With much gratitude for the wisdom, kindness, and grace that Harry shared with me. - Meg H.

in loving memory of my choral director, my voice teacher and my friend. - Mary H.

With love and gratitude. - Dennis B.

One more under our belt! 😘  - Marlene M.

love you dad! - Jeffrey M.

Harry and his music blessed so many. He will be missed! - Susan B.

This man was the first person to truly make me feel welcome in a choral group. I didn’t know how to read music, I barely had a handle on my life nevermind knowing who Handel was. I will miss that glint in his eye. Back To B as in battle ax! - Jenny O.

Molly, I will always remember with great fondness when Harry and you were at St Thomas, Sioux City. My parents, Peg and Charles Lindsay always spoke of you both with great love and admiration for your music. Fondly, Judy Lindsay Stribley

Where words fail, music speaks. 🎶 Happy to honor the life of a great man. - Rachael I.

Giving thanks for Harry's love and commitment to music! - Sally C.

It was a pleasure to work under Harry. But, the best part was that I learned so much! - Janet G.

With Harry now gone, the world is a different place for so many people. (Bill and Gretchen Straub)

Sending prayers for peace, love, and blessings. Our condolences. Fondly, Delaine and John Krager

Harry moon conducted the Candler Choraliers during my years at Emory (1970s). I was proud to have been chosen as a member. Harry's love of music and the chuch left a lasting impression on me and my career in parish ministry. Thank you, my friend! - Ralph M.

For the many wonderful years as our director- thank you. Helen Brock & Doug Knight

A perfect gentleman and brilliant as well. I will miss him. Gayle H