Support Your Local Community Chorus

Solo $25-$49

Duet $50-$99

Trio $100-$149

Quartet $150-$249

Ensemble $250-$499

Orchestra $500-$999

Maestro $1000 or more

Donations to CCSB can be made via PayPal by clicking the Donate button, or by mailing a check made out to "CCSB" to P.O. Box 564, South Berwick, Maine  03908-0564. 

Preparation and performance of concerts of fine quality requires a supportive group of friends. We depend on this growing support to bring our music to you. 

Friends of CCSB receive notice of upcoming concerts and are listed in winter and spring concert programs. Businesses in the Maestro, Orchestra, and Ensemble categories receive the above and a name acknowledgment on concert posters, postcards, program covers, and in verbal credits at concerts.